Hello there and Happy Wednesday! I have an extra special card for you today. This is one that I made for a challenge with my upline, Linda Bauwin. I LOVE these challenges. They make me think outside the box and I get to really go above and beyond in my creations. The first card I made (the one on the right below) provided some challenges that I had to overcome as you will see if you watch the video below or on my youtube channel.

I have had this design in my head for a very long time and I’m super happy that I finally got to set it free 🙂

Fun folds are my absolute favorite cards to make and sometimes I want to send a bigger card. This one checks both boxes. I’m really smitten by it and I hope you like it too!

Making the characters stand up inside the big cube was challenging for me – until the lightbulb in my little brain went off. LOL! There were lots of little cubes to give this card dimension. The hardest part was figuring out the dimensions to make the characters stand precisely where I wanted them to.

The view from above on each card was a little different too as you’ll see more of in the video.

A little decorating on back plus a nice sized place to write a message.

For mailing, just fold the center cubes up and bring the sides in.

Add a cute little belly band and you’re ready to slide it into a #10 business envelope.

As promised, here’s the video tutorial.
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