Hello there! Do you ever get a piece of Designer Series Paper that has a scene on it and wish you could show the whole scene? Well, I have a super-easy, super-fun card that’ll do just that for you today. This card was made by Bonnie Alexander, a friend and fellow Duckling, and I received it in a recent swap. Check it out:

Cute enough on front, right? Well, lookee here

Cute right?

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All you do is cut your DSP at 5¼” tall by 6″ wide. Take the 6″ side and put it in your trimmer. Cut at 2¾”. Slide the edge of where you cut in again and cut at 1¼”. Et Viola! 3 pieces to make a scene!
The base is 5½” x 8½” score at 1½” & 4¼”.
There you have it. Easy Peasy, right?

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