Hello there and happy Fri-YAY of Memorial Day weekend. Do you have any fun plans? I usually go horseback riding and camping, but not this year. Too many things going on and now it looks like rain all weekend. I am grateful for the rain though. Rain makes hay and hay feeds my hayburners horses 😉 So, I guess I’ll just have to make the best of the weekend in my craft room 😀
Speaking of craft room, here’s another fun fold for you. It’s a Z-fold and a book fold combined.

Simply take a piece of 4¼ x 11 cardstock and score it at 2⅛, 4¼ and 5½. Add another panel of matching cardstock 3¼ x 4¼ to the 2⅛ folded back piece.

The DSP used on this card is Thoughtful Journey 3×4 and Thoughtful Designs 2 pieces @ 1×4″ each. My biggest advice is to start by putting the 1×4 strips on first before you center the panel with the Thoughtful Journey paper on it. That way, you use the two strips to guide you in centering your main panel.

And that’s it. Have a great weekend!

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