Hello there! Do you ever find yourself short on time but still needing that crafty outlet? Our maybe you just need to make a quick card. Did you know we have a new Scrapbooking line? We do! And guess what? It works with cardmaking too! I made this card in like 5 minutes! Seriously. And, I might be biased, but I think it’s actually pretty darn cute.

You can order the Sweet Days of Autumn Paper and Sticker pack for only $17! But, take note, the only way you can get the stickers is to order them with the paper. The stickers are not available as a stand-alone product. CLICK HERE to see several pictures of this pack in my store.
This card uses very minimal products. The only additional items I added to make the card were the sequins and the card base. That’s it! I didn’t even use dimensionals *gasp!* We have five different options of these sticker/paper combo packs at the moment. You can see four of them in our Scrapbooking Brochure below. The fifth one is a garden one that you can see online. Just type the word “sticker” in the search engine on the top of Stampin’ Ups page and it’ll bring up all 5 of them 🙂
It doesn’t get much easier than that! I hope you try some of these packs and if you’re a scrapbooker the packs serve double duty!

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