Happy Monday!!! Grumble, grumble, groan. LOL I hope you had a great weekend. Mine was good. I had some people over for class on Saturday and yesterday was quiet. I played a bit in my craft room and hit from the oppressive heat! We have a cool down coming but there’s a pretty nasty storm front ahead of it tonight. Several areas around us got hit last night too. There are tree limbs down and crops flattened from nasty winds. Praying all people and animals stay safe tonight.
Onto our card for today. This is a CASE (copy and share everything or copy and slightly edit) from Amy K. From the moment I saw her card, I knew I wanted to replicate it. We made it in class last week. We started with a piece of 4×5¼” Very Vanilla CS. We laid pieces of painters tape all around the edges then proceeded to use our Blending Brushes to brush some Balmy Blue into the center. Then while the tape was still on, we stamped the bubbles. We removed the tape and proceeded to stamp the baby turtles. The Sea Turtles stamp set is reversible so we started with the flat side of the stamp, tapped it into Granny Apple Green, stamped off on a piece of paper then stamped the solid image where we wanted it overlapping our rectangle. Then we flipped the stamp over on the block and stamped the detailed image in full strength.

Not gonna lie, I love these little turtles so much! I have never had the experience of seeing baby sea turtles in person, but I have swum with adult ones in Hanauma Bay, Hawaii. It was the experience of a lifetime.

A little turtle and some bubbles finish off the card inside and it’s ready to be sent to your favorite beach goer.
That’s all I have for you today. See you Wednesday.

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