Hello there. Today I have a fun card for you that we made at our recent Stamping Stray Ducklings Shoebox Swap. 11 of us each designed one card and cut all the pieces needed to make it for 10 people. We all made one of everyone else’s cards. It’s a great way to get to see and try out products that you might not already have. Today’s card was designed by Laura Roethle and I put it together.

Being that our Demo group is called the “Stamping Stray Ducklings” Laura was afraid we’d all use this set, LOL! She, however, was the lone duck! No one else did! I must admit, this set has been on my list, but I haven’t managed to get it bought yet. “Yet” being the operative word 😉 The suite is on backorder at the moment because the Dappled Dots are out of stock until June 24th (just a wee bit longer and I can push that “add to cart” button) 😉

A couple cattails inside and it was finished. Cute right?

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