Hello there and happy Friday! Today I want to share all of the handmade cards I received for my birthday last week. I sure appreciate the wonderful women who took time to send them. They are beautiful. I hope you get inspiration from me sharing their wonderful creations. So, in no particular order, here we go!

The gorgeous card above was made by Debbie Kramer- a fellow Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator and part of our Stamping Stray Ducklings group. Thanks Debbie!

This card is actually a reprint of a watercolor that one of my besties (and the World’s Greatest Petsitter), Carol Vols, drew by hand! She’s a wonderful artist and you can find her prints on Etsy. Thanks Carol!

This pretty fun fold pocket card was made by Sue Bruch. I used to love making these cards. I think it’s time to revisit this adorable fold 😉 Thanks Sue!

This cute cupcake card was made by my good friend, Maria Heitmann. Thanks Maria!

This gorgeous card was made by dear friend, Rhonda Guenther. Thanks Rhonda!

This pretty card was made by my friend and fellow Stamping Stray Duckling, Sue Boerner. Thanks Sue!

This bright and cheery card was made by our Fearless Leader of the Stamping Stray Ducklings, Lori Helvick (aka: “Mama Duck”). Thanks Lori!

This cute cupcake card was made by my friend, Cathy Granata! Thanks Cathy!

And this gorgeous card was made by Fearless Leader and Upline, Linda Bauwin. Thanks Linda!
All the cards are awesome and I feel so blessed that everyone thought of me on my special day. You guys are the BEST!

Thank you for sharing Kim. All the cards are great!! Lori
You’re welcome! Thanks for thinking of me on my special day 🙂