Woohoo! We’re halfway through the work week and I have a super adorable card for you today that just happens to be a fun fold 😉 It’s called a Cascading Flip Fold Card. Check it out.

Aren’t those cows adorable??? I tried to pass them by in the catalog and I just couldn’t. I love everything about this card and the way it turned out. The FREE Sunny Days paper that you can earn until February 29th is perfect to use for this stamp bundle.

The images are adorable and very easy to color. I used my Blends because, well, if you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know that they’re my favorite. They make this non-artist look like she knows what she’s doing. And they can do the same for you 😉 Seriously, where have these been my whole life?!
So, this fold look intimidating, right? You’re not going to believe how easy it is. Here’s the template.

Follow the template then add the following pieces to it:
- Cardstock 3½ x 4¾ with a piece of patterned paper on top measuring 3¼ x 4½
- Cardstock 3×4 with a piece of patterned paper on top that measures 2¾ x 3¾
- White Cardstock for the back 4 x 5¼
You can do it!!! 🙂

[…] Today, I have another Cascading Flip Fold card for you using the pretty Softly Sophisticated bundle that you can earn FREE today and tomorrow. The Cascading Flip Fold card might be familiar to you. I blogged one I made using the Cutest Cows bundle a couple days ago. You can see that one by clicking HERE. […]